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Admissions Criteria 2022/23

(For admissions criteria for future years please see the policies below)

The Local Academy committee will admit 30 children into the reception class as the beginning of the school year.

To apply for a reception place please follow the link Please note late applications will require a late application form.

Please feel free to call the office on 0121 5560269 should you need any help. 

If you are looking to move schools to St John's CofE Primary Academy you will require a mid year transfer form.

Places for the Reception Class will be allocated on the following priority order:

  1. Children who are in public care and children who were previously in public care but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).

  2. Children who for social or medical reasons would find our school most suitable for their needs. Priority in this category would be given to those of the Anglican Faith. A letter of evidence of need would be required from a professional practitioner, for example a doctor or social worker.

  3. Children whose parents regularly attend worship at an Anglican church within the Deanery of Wednesbury and who have completed from ASU75/A and have submitted a letter of support from the parish priest.

  4. Any other children who have a brother or a sister in the school at the time of admission.

  5. All other children.

Oversubscription Criteria and Definitions

All schools must admit any child with a statement of special education needs that names the school directly.

In the event of oversubscription Sandwell council will consider our Pupil admission number (PAN) and will allocate a place based on the following: 

1. Children in Public c are (looked after children or previously looked after children)

2. Children for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds and is supported in writing by a medical practitioner or social worker. (Applications will be subject to verification) ​

If there are too many applicants in any one category then distance will be used as a tie break clause. The distance will be measured from the main playground gate to the child’s home address.


Parents who are not offered a place for their child, have the right to appeal to an indepentdant appeals panel. Parents wishing to appeal should follow the advice from the Local Authority here. 

Worshipping regularly means attending a service on a Sunday or weekday at least once per month.  A letter of evidence of attendance would be required from the parish priest. 

The Local Academy Committee reserve the right to only offer a place in school to parents able and willing to support the Christian ethos of the school, including the children’s participation in the regular worshipping life of the school.

The Local Academy Committee have adopted the Local Authority timetables definitions published in their current prospectus of:


The definition of a brother or a sister is:

  • A brother or sister sharing the same parents and living at the same address.
  • Half-brother or half-sister where two children share one common parent and living as the same address.
  • Step brother or step sister, where two children are related by a parent’s marriage and living at the same address.
  • Adopted or fostered children and living at the same address.

Home address

The home address of a pupil is the permanent residence of a child.  The address must be the child’s only or main residence for the majority of the school week.  Documentary evidence may be required.  Where care is split equally between mother and father, parents must name which address is to be used for the purpose of allocating a school place.