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Educational Visits

School Visits

Educational visits form an important part of our school calendar. We endeavour to enrich our curriculum with class trips, visitors, musicians, theatre groups and special assemblies at least once per term.

The Executive Principal and Combined Local Academy Committee endeavour to ensure the cost of the educational visits and any contributions are kept to a minimum. We hope that all visits undertaken by the school are fully supported by parents.

Residential Visits

Leaning to become independent and having a night away from home is important and something we promote at St. John's.  While away the children participate in a range of exciting activities which may include bush craft, conservation, orienteering skills and climbing.  All of these activities are done in a completely safe environment and through Sandwell's residential centres such as Edgmond Hall and Frank Chapman Centre.

After-School Activities

We offer a range of activities that aim to promote healthy lifestyles and encourage pupils to engage in various craft, drama, IT, film, cooking and active club activities.

Different clubs run at different times of the year and at the beginning of a term these are open to parents to book onto using the Gateway App.


Working in partnership with families is important to us. Additional learning at home can help consolidate your child's learning. Homework also builds strong study habits and, over time, helps to prepare children for secondary school. 

Homework is set weekly and follows a set pattern. Details are available in our Homework Policy on the policies page.